Windows 10 Pro 19H1 x64 Super Slim
v.1 Stable [Pre-Activated] - Victor24
Windows 10 Pro 19H1 x64 Super Slim v.1 Stable [Pre-Activated] - Victor24
About this build?
- Microsoft edge isn't working. However, internet explorer is working.
- Windows Defender is working.
- This build was based on original Windows 10 Pro 1903 v.10.0.18362.30
- No application added.
- Activation method being applied was based on Digital Activation sequence.
- updatable yet, avoid cumulative update for it will not work.
- Microsoft office 2019 is working.
Recommendation for better experience of this build:
- Install Start is Back (optional)
- Install complete visual c++ redis (recommended)
- install klite mega pack (necessary) make Media Player Classic as default
- Install your preferred Internet Browser. (optional)
- Most importantly install all drivers using SamDriver (highly recommended).
- No added application coz I do not want to take full responsibility of the recommended application. It is user's prerogative.
- Your comment/s is/are highly recommended for future releases.
- Do not expect too much on this build coz this was just an experiment for a better super slim build in the future.
- After performing those recommendation, you can install whatever you want. Let me know if there is/are applications that isn't working.