Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 X64 El-gr Esd Aug2017
Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 X64 El-gr Esd Aug2017 With Office16
Name Of ISO:el_gr_w_7_ult_x64_aug_2017_with_office_16.ISO
Updates:Full Updated August!
Office Updates:Full Updated
Edition:Windows 7 Ultimate x64 OEM
Office Preinstallation:Office_2016_x86_x64_EL_16.0.8326.2073
Activation: Preactivated :Windows Loader by: Daz
Activation Office:Kmspico
Size:3.53 GB
1)Burn in USB using rufus or any tools
2) restart your pc choose your bios run your usb
3)start installation
4) when installation is over and you get first log in restart for windows loaders works
5) if your office is not activated go in start menu kmspico and press run button then will be activated
6)You Ready Enjoy!