วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560

Windows 10 Altum[PRO].iso  X64

About :
Windows Altum is yet another release for the Numix series , it's updates and with the most stable release of windows 10 Anniversary Update and the latest security updates , and this same experience any user would want to have with an untouched windows but with more a pleasant look .
[​IMG] Release info :

Name : Windows 10 Altum[PRO].iso
CRC-32: 8D81AB13
SHA-1: 13EADEB37DAA8ED4CE850065FDD5E8647AD9FB78
Compression : ESD

[​IMG] Special Thanks :

Wallpapers : [tomeCar]

